Hello everybody, this is my very first blog post. First of all I'll tell you something about myself, my name is Yorinda, I'm 17 years old and I live in the Netherlands with my parents and litle sister. I have the sweetest boyfriend in the world and the best friends of all. My passion is dancing, I started when I was 3, so that's a long time ago. I'm still in high-school and I hope I'll graduate next year. I hope you'll know a bit more about me now. I think I'm going to find out how everything works now, because I don't understand it at all haha.
kisses xxxx
leuk dat je ook een blog hebt! :D
ja haha! Ik snap er echt alleen nog niks van, ik probeer jou te volgen maar het lukt me totaal niet haha dus ik weet ook niet of je hier een berichtje van krijgt?